Eraser Sponges

Buy Eraser Sponges Made From Genuine Melamine Basotect® Foam  By The Same Manufacturer That Makes the Material Used in the Mr. Clean® Magic Eraser®

Get high-quality Eraser Sponges at a significant price discount when compared to Mr. Clean® Magic Eraser®.  Like the Magic Eraser®, our brand of eraser sponges  called Instant Erase®, can be used for cleaning jobs in the home, car, and office.

Our eraser sponges contain no hazardous chemicals or odors. Just wet the sponge with water and gently scrub to clean. They are non-toxic for green cleaning. Save money by buying eraser sponges in bulk, or purchase smaller quantities for personal usage.

Showing 1–12 of 28 results

Showing 1–12 of 28 results