When it comes to cleaning your home, one of the hardest parts of the process is getting started.
It can seem like a daunting task to clean your entire space, so start by making a plan and get yourself motivated with the quick tips listed below:
Start with a Cleaning Plan
Instead of letting yourself get overwhelmed by the idea of cleaning your entire home, map out a room-by-room plan to make the chores easier to complete.
- Decide which rooms will require the most attention, what order you would like to tackle them in and what areas can be overlooked for now.
- We recommend beginning with the main living areas, like the living room, dining room and kitchen, then working your way to the bathrooms and finally the bedrooms.
The spaces that you and your family spend the most time in usually need to be cleaned more frequently than bedrooms, offices and laundry rooms.
Create a Cleaning Playlist
If you are really dreading the cleaning you need to do, make the experience more positive by creating an upbeat playlist.
Listening to your favorite music will boost your mood and help to make the time fly by.
- This cleaning playlist from PopSugar is one we love!
Remove Clutter from Around the House
Although you may want to jump right into the cleaning process, de-cluttering your space first will make cleaning much easier.
Instead of working around toys, television remotes, books and other items, put items back into their official home before you pull out the duster and vacuum cleaner.
- You can also grab an empty laundry basket and fill it with all the decorative items that usually get in your way while you work.
Once your space is sparkling clean, you can put decorative pieces back on the shelves and have your kids put away the toys you found as you made your way from room to room.
Work from the Top to the Bottom
When you do start cleaning, the best way to tackle each room is by working from top to bottom, starting in the area furthest from the door.
Focus on higher shelves, tables and furniture before cleaning the floors, cleaning yourself out of the room as your last task.
- This method will ensure that all the dust and grime that may have fallen to the floor while you work will be swept up at the end of the project.
All you have to do is walk out of your perfectly cleaned space and continue on to the next area.
Now that you are ready to start cleaning, grab your dusting wand, eraser sponge and melamine floor pads – then get to work.
SpongeOutlet offers high quality cleaning products up to 80 percent off of retail prices, helping to ensure you get the best clean possible at the lowest price. Shop with us online or place your order by phone at 877-776-6430.