Our homes can get very dirty without us even realizing it. Over time, there are several areas that can gather bacteria and other germs rather quickly. Sinks, bathrooms, and kitchens are just scratching the surface. These areas of your home and more need to be cleaned regularly to ensure the bacteria does not spread to other surfaces in your home.
Here are 5 things you should clean regularly:
Kitchen Sink & Countertops
The kitchen is used frequently to prepare and cook food. Your stovetop, kitchen sink, countertops, oven, microwave, and other surfaces can easily gather leftover food, crumbs, and other debris. Bacteria and other germs can gather in these places. To combat these germs, Sponge Outlet’s eraser sponges will do the trick!
Your bathrooms can also gather germs. Believe it or not, the bathroom sink can get just as dirty as the toilet bowl. Cleaning the bathroom is very important. You have to make sure you clean every area around and inside the toilet, bathtub, walls, sink, faucet, and much more. Our dual melamine eraser sponges and scouring pad can get to the bottom of the grime.
Doorknobs & Handles
We touch our doorknobs and door handles constantly at our homes. Coming in from a long day outside in the summer can bring in germs on our hands. These germs can stick to the handles. Bacteria can build up if we don’t clean them regularly. Besides our eraser sponges, we can provide you with microfiber towels and more to quickly clean off these areas!
Cabinets around your home can gather crumbs, dirt, grime, and dust at any point in the year. Cleaning your cabinets regularly with a microfiber towel will allow you to quickly dust off the debris for a cleaner home. For the hard-to-reach places, simply use our dusting wand!
Laundry Room
This is an important one to clean. The laundry room is consistently being filled with dirty laundry. Germs and bacteria can build up on the countertops and floors. Make sure when you’re washing your clothes in the washer to clean the areas around them.
At Sponge Outlet, we can provide you with high quality cleaning products clean every area of your home inside and out.