Square Shoe Eraser

Square Shoe Eraser

Forget about disposable wipes and single-use cleaning solutions for your shoes. Sponge Outlet is offering a fantastic way to increase the lifespan of your footwear without breaking the bank. The Square Shoe Eraser is a practical way to clean your sneakers with ease.

Shoe enthusiasts and sneakerheads know how keeping your footwear clean is a constant struggle. Dirt, mud, and scuffs seem to appear almost out of no where, maintaining the pristine appearance of your premium shoes seems almost impossible. Don’t worry, Sponge Outlet has your back with a perfect portable way to keep your shoes looking brand new. Don’t be fooled by its name, Square Shoe Eraser is not just for sneakers, it can handle footwear of any kind. From leather boots to canvas flats this new effortless cleaning device is perfect for any type of shoes!

The Square Shoe Eraser is built to last made from durable materials and can be used multiple times. Save money and reduce waste at the same time!

Act fast if you want to keep your shoes looking fresh as can be as this is only available in a limited quantity for an unbeatable price! Order yours today and step out in style!

Advantages of Microfiber Towels for Cleaning

Microfiber Drying Towels

What is Microfiber?

Microfiber is a synthetic material that has two fibers blended together- polyester and polyamide. The polyester is great for polishing, while the polyamide is super absorbent. Microfiber Towels have great advantages when it comes to cleaning in and around your home. They are gentle, versatile, durable, and reusable, which makes them great for cleaning.

What are the advantages?

  • The blend of these two fibers creates a unique  material with qualities you won’t find in your typical towel or sponge. The way that it is constructed will absorb liquids but can also attract and pick up dust and debris.
  • Microfiber is lint free, so they are great for washing windows, mirrors, and other reflective surfaces.
  • This product is hypoallergenic. For those who have allergies or are sensitive to other materials that can be found in cloths or towels, these will not give you a reaction.
  • Microfiber towels are free of added chemicals, unlike cleaning wipes and sprays, which can irritate skin.
  • They are safe to use on any surface. These towels are soft and will not cause scratches or scuff marks. This makes them the perfect for cleaning wooden furniture, natural stone countertops and stainless steel appliances.
  • These towels will attract dirt and absorb oil from a surface instead of spreading or smearing them around, making cleaning easier.
  • Our microfiber towels can clean up messes made from dirt, soap, lubricants, dust, food spills, fingerprints, grime, residues, wax, grease, silicone, and much more.
  • Microfiber is super absorbent and can hold up to seven times its weight in moisture. Wow!
  • Microfiber materials are a good economic choice, as they last for a long time and are reusable.

As you can see, there are many reasons to invest in microfiber towels. If you’re looking for a product that can clean your home without added chemicals, are reusable and last a long time, you’ve come to the right place! Visit SpongeOutlet.com to help make your cleaning tasks easier with our microfiber towels and eraser products.

Stuff Loved Ones Stockings with Sponges this Holiday Season

If you’re struggling to think of the perfect holiday gift for your loved ones, struggle no more.

We are confident that nothing says “season’s greetings” like a gift bag full of sponges.

Eraser Sponges are Used on a Daily Basis

Everyone uses eraser sponges to clean dishes, microwaves, counter tops, and many other surfaces. People all have a constant need for sponge erasers because we use them daily.

From a tough scrubby sponge for hard to clean dishes to an eraser sponge to get our stovetop spotless, people use sponges multiple times a day. People have to purchase sponges to meet their needs. If sponges are gifted to them, they can leave buying them off of their “to-do list.”

  • Sponges are a practical gift that people will use. If you know someone that has just about everything, we bet they could still use a sponge. Problem solved.

Sponge Erasers Need to Be Replaced on Occasion

Many people do not replace their sponge eraser as frequently as they should. Eraser sponges get worn out and when they do, they don’t perform as well. Sponges eventually get dirt and although they can be sanitized, they should eventually be replaced.

  • Many people don’t replace their melamine sponges as often as they should.

They might recognize the need for a replacement but if they don’t have one at home and can’t get to the store, they likely keep using the old one.

If they are given magic eraser sponges as a gift, their replacements will be right at home and they can replace their old sponge for a new sponge as needed.

  • Although sponges do need to be replaced, they will still last longer than a box of ribbon candy would.

Magic Sponge Erasers are a Creative Gift

Most people don’t want another snowflake ornament, another tin of cutout cookies, or a bag of peppermint candies. The large majority of people would never go to a holiday gift exchange and expect to get sponges.

Have you ever arrived at a holiday party to realize that you bought the generic gift as three other people in the room did? If you arrive at a gift exchange with eraser cleaning sponges, you do not risk someone having the same gift as you.

  • You don’t have to worry about giving loved ones a gift that they have already gotten.
  • They won’t need to fight crowds at the store to exchange the gift you gave them because they won’t already have it.
  • You will really be doing them a favor, those crowds can be brutal.

Melamine Eraser Sponges Transport Easily

If you typically travel to your destination during the holiday season, you understand the struggle of packing the trunk of a car with breakable gifts. You likely drive for hours taking each turn with tremendous caution.

  • If you fly during the holiday season, you probably dread packing a suitcase full of gifts that won’t go over the airlines weight restrictions.

Sponges are lightweight and extremely easy to transport by car or plane. They cannot break while traveling if you hit a speed bump and they can easily be shoved into the crevices of a suitcase.

In case of emergency, they can also stand up to blustery blizzards.

Visit Spongeoutlet to get your holiday shopping done today. (Ribbons and wrapping paper not included)

How To Clean a Microwave Using Our Eraser Sponge

Using a microwave has become a convenience many people are enjoy using in daily cooking.

Sometimes, at the end of a long day, it’s such a luxury to be able to heat something up in the microwave instead of preparing a meal for yourself.

However, microwaves are not our cleanest household item.

Many of us let food splatter and we are guilty of saying we will “get to it later” but find ourselves never going back.

Microwaves are notorious for containing germs, especially if the microwave is rarely cleaned. Germs multiply most easily in warm settings, making the microwave the perfect spot for them to settle down.

A dirty microwave can result in food poisoning, cross contamination, and a variety of viruses.

We should be cleaning our microwave after each time we use it but most of us don’t.

Eraser Sponge Blog logoOur eraser sponges are the perfect tool to use to clean out a dirty microwave. You’ll need a few other supplies as well, but our eraser sponge will get you started.

Using our eraser sponge, scrub out any food splatters from walls, rotating tray, and door.

This will help get all of the tough spots cleared out first.

Some food may be hard to remove but the eraser sponge can handle tough grit, grime, and dirt.

(All of which are in a household microwave!)

After you clean the microwave with our eraser sponge, you should steam clean the appliance.

  • Using a microwave-safe bowl, vinegar, water, and a sponge, you can get your microwave looking brand new. Pour an equal amount of water and vinegar into a bowl, usually half a cup of each works well.
  • Put a toothpick into the solution before you start. You’ll notice that bubbles form on the toothpick allowing it to boil without exploding.
  • Leave the bowl in your microwave for about 5 to 10 minutes depending on how dirty it is. When the minutes are over, let the microwave stand with the door closed for several minutes allowing steam to penetrate the microwave.
  • Be sure to have oven mitts on hand in order to take the bowl out which will be extremely hot.
  • After you remove the bowl, stick the eraser sponge into the bowl when the solution is still hot and scrub the rest of your microwave.
  • Make sure you wipe down corners, windows, walls, and the outside of the microwave as well.

Our eraser sponges are also disposable so once it cools down, it can be thrown out. Visit Spongeoutlet.com for more of our cleaning products, and enjoy your “new” microwave!

Making the Most of Your Eraser Sponge

Instant Erase Extra Large Melamine Eraser Sponges (21pk) 2 ponges one standing upright, the other lying down

Making your Eraser Sponge last as long as it can!

We all know how nifty these little eraser sponges are- they work like magic, cleaning  just about anything and without the chemical smell afterwards. But how do you make them last as long as possible, and get every pennies worth out of them? Follow these tips to get the most use out of your eraser sponge.

Try cutting your Eraser Sponges into quarters- cut long strips along the width. This will give you four times the scrubbing power, and that much more surface to work with!

Many of us think to automatically dunk our sponges into the water and then squeeze it out- but wait a minute, there is a better way to do this. Instead, try lightly misting it with water (using a mister or the kitchen sink sprayer). Do this instead of saturating it first- because this tends to make the eraser sponge shrivel up more.

Another tip is to lightly scrub with your Eraser Sponge. The surface of these Sponges will require a lot less elbow grease, because of their unique surfaces. Also this will help you with the shredding. The less you press it into the surface you are working on, the longer it will stay intact.

Lastly, when your Eraser Sponge starts to get a little gross, (after cleaning your toilet, sink, tub, etc.) simply spray it to rinse it out. This will help revive it a bit. Squeeze the excess out. Do this until it begins to shred.

What’s another great tip for never running out of these awesome Eraser Sponges? Buy them in bulk.

Myths about Eraser Sponges

Eraser SpongesThere are many myths about eraser sponges, because of how well they work.

Here are a couple of the popular ones, and the truth behind them.

Eraser Sponges were banned from stores because they contained formaldehyde.

  • False!
    • Many people are worried that they have to put faith in the cleaning products industry to keep them safe from harm. The fact that they can be somewhat strong on polished surfaces makes people wonder. Eraser Sponges are non-toxic. Because of how safe it is, the eraser sponges are still available today.

Eraser Sponges and similar products gave a child chemical burn.

  • The only chemical that is in these sponges is melamine, which if found in foam form on the sponges.
    • There are not any chemicals in there that would cause chemical burn; you would have to essentially “sand” your skin off in order to have that effect from an Eraser Sponge.

Eraser Sponges do not contain chemicals.

  • Again, this is false.
    • The melamine that I mentioned before is in fact a chemical, just maybe not one you would see in a mad scientist’s lab. You shouldn’t eat it and you should keep it away from children. However, it is safe to use in your home and around your children and pets.

You can leave an Eraser Sponge in your toilet overnight and it will be bleach white!

  • The truth is, you would have to have an extremely strong, and possibly unsafe chemical in order to do this.
    • On a side note, we don’t suggest you do this, especially if you have animals or young children that occasionally get curious about the toilet.

So tell me- what sorts of rumors have you heard? We are interested to know what else is circling out there in the ether. Comment with your response!